A handful of jackdaws

Farmer John had asked me to have a stab at the many corvids that infest his stables, magpies, crows and jackdaws.
So I set up a camo screen under a hedgerow, placed a little owl decoy on a stick into the ground, complete with a magpie that I had shot the previous day at home.
I spread around some of the feathers of the magpie, as if it had been struck by the owl and hid myself in the heavy foliage 30 meters away.
To my surprise, no magpies showed up in the end, and the crows were too smart to land anywhere in sight. The jackdaws instead reacted well to the decoy and one by one or as a pair, they kept on coming, land on the designated tree and drop to the ground with a headshot, on the 35 meters slant range.
I added to that a passing rabbit and an inquisitive squirrel.
The flock which these birds belonged to amounts to some 60 or 70 so this is only a little dent into the local population. Still, every little helps.

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